Hearing problems such as hearing loss are not unusual in older people. However, hearing loss can also happen at a younger age, so you should pay great attention to prevention and seek help as soon as the first worrying symptoms appear. But where does hearing loss come from in the first place, and are there effective methods of treating it?
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What are the different types of hearing loss?
The first hearing problems can appear as early as around age 40. It's not a rule, but if you haven't cared for your hearing organ well enough, your hearing will become noticeably worse - you have to turn the TV up louder, for example, or there's a problem talking on the phone, especially when you're talking outside or in a store.

The most common type of hearing loss is conductive-receptive hearing loss, also known as mixed hearing loss. The patient's hearing is getting weaker and weaker, and on top of that he perceives many sounds indistinctly, which also causes him to have trouble articulating himself. Sensorineural hearing loss is such a disorder, during which hearing damage results in a failure to understand speech and a severely reduced hearing threshold. People with such hearing loss cannot always use hearing aids, or they provide only half-relief.
The third type is conductive hearing loss, in which the ear loses its sensitivity to sounds - the patient does not hear all syllables and does not catch all frequencies. In this case, hearing aids usually pass the test very well and allow to hear as well as before the hearing loss.
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Where does hearing loss in old age come from?
In an aging body, regeneration is slower and slower, and vital functions, including the weakening of the organ of hearing, are impaired. Hearing cells (also called hair cells) are lost, on top of which auditory conduction, responsible for processing sounds in the brain, deteriorates.
Old age, however, is only one reason. A great many seniors living in large cities experience hearing loss - noisy environments severely affect hearing and cause permanent loss. In addition to noise, stress is also deadly for hearing, weakening the body and interfering with its natural regeneration. Hearing cell atrophy also results from poor diet, lack of sleep and use of stimulants. Hearing loss can also occur for genetic reasons - if there is a family history of deafness, the risk of hearing loss is higher than for other people.
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Why is it necessary to treat hearing loss?
Worse hearing means lower quality of life. The hearing impaired person fears conversations with others, is embarrassed by being constantly asked to repeat words, fears impatience with his interlocutors and exclusion from social gatherings where the rest can easily hear everything. This discourages further contact, even with close people, and the enforced solitude worsens her health rather than helping her endure her ailments better.
Untreated hearing loss can also accelerate senile dementia, in addition, it can be simply dangerous, because the patient does not hear all the sounds that could warn him of possible danger - very often with profound hearing loss there is disorientation and increased stress. On top of that, with hearing loss, the risk of depression increases, and several times.
Hearing loss vs. tinnitus

Common hearing problems are primarily hearing loss and tinnitus. It is not uncommon for the two ailments to go hand in hand, but even when experiencing just tinnitus alone, it is such an annoying affliction that it can completely disorganize one's life to date. Tinnitus is called all sounds that are not produced by any external source, yet the patient hears them. They may only recur periodically, or they may annoy throughout the day, aggravating irritability and contributing to insomnia. For hearing problems such as tinnitus, it is worth using Atinnuris supplement.
Tinnitus can occur due to exposure to noise, especially impulsive noise. Sometimes they are a side effect of drug therapy - this mainly involves anti-cancer drugs, quinine, salicylates. Often, tinnitus is indicative of an injury sustained in the head area, or is due to hypertension and other cardiovascular conditions, for which the tinnitus we recommend will help supplement for hypertension.
Treatment of tinnitus is quite complicated, as there are often difficulties in identifying its cause, making it impossible to choose the right way to combat the ailment. If the tinnitus is due to a circulatory disorder, medications or supplements to equalize blood pressure can help, and it's also worth taking care to supplement micronutrients. Relaxation techniques to help calm down are also quite effective.
What are other causes of deteriorated hearing?
Hearing problems can also result from past infections and infections. This does not apply only to infections of the ear itself, but also to diseases of the respiratory system or infections in the brain, sometimes hearing is also affected by systemic inflammation. Added to this are other diseases: atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension. In many people, these factors overlap, which is why a thorough medical history is so important when making a diagnosis, which will take into account all the factors and thus help indicate the best method of treatment.

At a younger age, hearing problems such as hearing loss are also often caused by noise, whether at work or at leisure. Very damaging are those sudden, loud noises, such as the explosion of fireworks or the flight of an airplane - under the influence of such impulses, there can even be permanent hearing damage that can no longer be reversed.
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What are the symptoms of hearing loss?
Hearing loss has the property that it develops slowly, even imperceptibly at first - the deterioration of hearing is more likely to be noticed by loved ones, who point out that the patient talks louder or turns the TV down too much. The onset of hearing loss is generally not remembered, and one only goes to the doctor when hearing loss is significant and severely interferes with daily life.
Hearing problems, or hearing disorders, can be either bilateral or affect only one ear. With worsening hearing loss, new symptoms can develop, such as tinnitus, dizziness, gibberish speech, increased nervousness in dealing with other people. It is typical for senile hearing loss to hear certain sounds less well, for example, the speech of small children, but already with understanding an adult man speaking in a low voice there is not so much of a problem. At the same time, there are difficulties in picking up specific sounds, that is, spatial and selective hearing deteriorates.
How to assess the condition of hearing?
The patient may subjectively assess that he hears worse than he used to, but this is a bit too little to determine the type of hearing loss and choose the appropriate treatment. For a diagnosis, it's best to visit an audiology lab or a doctor who will examine the ears under a microscope and perform tonal audiometry. A visual inspection of the ear will confirm whether the hearing loss is due to changes in the structure of the ear or damage to the ear - worse hearing may be due to degenerative changes in the ossicles, for example, or there may be damage to the eardrum.
The cause of hearing loss can also be earwax lingering in the ear canal. Its removal should be left to a doctor, because home remedies are not entirely effective, and with too invasive methods it is easy to damage the membrane and exacerbate your problems.
Audiometry accurately and objectively assesses the degree of hearing loss. With the results, the doctor can diagnose the type and cause of the hearing loss, and this makes it easier to match the right treatment method. Audiometry is not a painful or unpleasant test. The patient just has to enter a specially prepared booth and put on headphones, where the sounds generated can be heard. The patient must respond to these sounds, and his responses are used to create an audiograph. An additional test is the PTA, which is a check that the patient is equally unable to hear high and low sounds - the hearing loss in both does not have to be the same at all.
When should a hearing test be done?
Audiometry is worth performing as a preventive measure after the age of 40-50, and at a younger age if you experience worrisome symptoms indicative of hearing disorders. Audiometry also helps determine the source of tinnitus. The test requires cooperation from the patient, so it is difficult to perform in very young children, people with disabilities and those with very severe hearing loss.
No special preparation is needed for the test, and you can normally return to your usual activities afterwards. The results are given immediately, although it is advisable to make an appointment with a specialist for a thorough analysis.
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Sudden hearing loss - what causes it?
Hearing loss develops slowly, over a period of years, but sudden deafness can also occur. This is quite a different impairment, and its causes are sometimes very difficult to determine, making it impossible to treat such a patient effectively. Sudden hearing loss can be caused by trauma to the head or ear. Sometimes it is caused by a sudden inflammation, causing blockage of the vessels of the inner ear. Ototoxic drugs are sometimes responsible for deafness, especially when they are taken in too large doses, contrary to the doctor's instructions.

Hearing loss can still result from acute bacterial or viral infections, such as herpes simplex, meningitis, parotitis, hemiplegia, Lyme disease. Rapid changes in pressure, as when diving at great depths, can also cause hearing loss. With sudden deafness, it is absolutely necessary to go to the doctor and perform a set of tests to assess the patient's condition - if other diseases are responsible, they require prompt treatment.
What can be the degrees of hearing loss?
Hearing loss is not always the same. Medicine distinguishes four degrees of hearing loss, and the specific type depends on the threshold level, determined during a clinical audiometer test. A healthy person can hear in the range of about 0-120 decibels. With hearing loss, these limits change, and one can see differences in the perception of sounds at different frequencies.
In small hearing loss, the threshold level starts at 20 decibels and ends at 40. Above 40 dB, but below 65 dB, we speak of moderate hearing loss. Large hearing loss applies to people with a threshold level between 65 and 90 dB. The most serious is profound hearing loss, in which the patient hears very little and the threshold is more than 91 decibels.
What are the ways to cure hearing loss?
The most common method is hearing aids. Their power is selected according to the type and degree of hearing loss, while the device itself is worn externally, behind the ear, or in the form of a headphone inserted inside. Cochlear implant procedures are also carried out under the skin - during the procedure electrodes are placed in the cochlea, so that even with severe hearing loss the patient regains function. It can also be helpful to operate on the eardrum if deafness is caused by damage to it, and the condition of the ossicles and ear canal are also improved surgically.