The ketogenic diet effectively reduces body weight and supports our efforts to maintain low body weight. It has health-promoting and healing properties. Diet Ketogenic is a low-carbohydrate and high-fat diet, it is an alternative energy source to glucose (sugars). It helps in the treatment of diseases, removes inflammatory processes, oxidative stress, maintains a balanced energy balance, affects cells and receptors.
This diet is characterized by high fat, medium protein and low carbohydrates. The purpose of the diet is to put the body into a state of ketosis, which is to force the body to draw energy from fat tissue.

It is also called ketogenic is characterized by high fat, medium protein and low carbohydrate. Research indicates that the diet is highly effective during the weight loss period. You can support yourself with products such as nuvilab keto whether fat burner fat burn active The ketogenic diet leads to fat burning, all without the usual energy slides.
Table of Contents
What are ketone bodies?
Ketones are a great alternative to glucose and fatty acids. They are healthy energy. Ketone bodies are formed when fatty acids are burned. Lack of carbohydrates in the diet makes it difficult to burn coenzyme A4, and ketones are formed from unburned molecules of coenzyme A4: acetone, acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate. The lack of dietary carbohydrates causes the ketone bodies just discussed to be formed from fatty acids.
Ketone bodies satisfy 1/3 of the energy needs after only 2-3 days, and after another dozen or so days another 2/3 of the needs, thus completely working on weight loss in the body.
What is the ketogenic diet?

Diet This is based on leading to a state of ketosis, i.e. significant restriction of carbohydrates, so that the body draws energy from the decomposition of accumulated fat tissue. In short, it involves the production of ketone bodies by the liver. Blood sugar deficiency causes the formation of tiny energy molecules called ketones, which are made from fat. When we diet, these ketones provide fuel for our bodies, and ketosis results in the breakdown of fat tissue, which the body uses for energy for current needs.
Types of ketogenic diet:
The ketogenic diet comes in several varieties:
- Standard (SKD) - The calories in this version are broken down into: 75% fats, 20% protein and 5% carbohydrates. High Protein - this variety contains a slightly increased amount of protein, calorie breakdown: 60% of fats, 35% of protein and 5 % of carbohydrates.
- Cyclic (CKD) - The diet consists of 5 days of ketogenic and 2 days of carbohydrate loading, this version is used among others by professional bodybuilders.
- Targeted (TKD) - Another variation that allows you to incorporate more carbohydrates during the peri-workout period.
Principles - how to follow a ketogenic diet
When following a ketogenic diet, there are 4 main rules to keep in mind:
- Limit carbohydrates - Ketone bodies are produced under the condition of a limited amount of sugars in the blood, the daily amount of consumed carbohydrates should not exceed 20-50 grams.
- Enjoy healthy fats - The less processed products the better, categorically avoid margarines or processed oils - they contain trans fats, which are not very healthy for our bodies.
- Don't overdo the protein - The upper limit for dietary protein is 35% of total calories, too much can make it difficult to go into ketosis and put strain on the kidneys and liver.
- Use Supplementation - You can support yourself with vitamin and mineral supplements during your diet. The elimination of cereal products and some fruits can lead to deficiencies. However, this is an individual matter and of course depends on the products consumed and present in the diet. In addition to basic vitamins and minerals, we can of course use slimming tablets - bearing in mind, of course, that they are only an addition to a balanced diet.
Fats in a ketogenic diet
In addition to the quantity of fats consumed, the quality - or source - of the fats is very important. The diet should provide about 15 grams of essential fatty acids per day. These are found in: fish, flaxseed oil, nuts, seeds and many cold-pressed oils.

Another part should come from energy fats, i.e. those that provide quickly the necessary energy for the work of the entire body. These include clarified butter, olive oil, lard and coconut oil. A popular drink - which can replace breakfast - is bulletproof coffee. It consists of ground coffee, MCT or coconut oil and clarified butter. This drink provides stimulating caffeine and medium-chain fatty acids that are absorbed quickly.
Products with a high fat content
The foods on which a high-fat diet is based are mainly animal products, healthy vegetable fats, non-starchy vegetables, and moderate amounts of fruits low in sugars.
This includes meat, fish (especially fatty fish), seafood, eggs, whole milk and dairy products including butter and cream, vegetable oils not derived from seeds such as olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, nuts such as coconut, walnuts, almonds, oil seeds such as pumpkin, flax, chia, avocado, green leafy vegetables such as chicory, lettuce, spinach, brassica vegetables such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, turnip greens such as turnip greens, chicory, lettuce, spinach, cabbage, turnip greens such as turnip greens, chicory, lettuce, spinach, and many more. Nuts such as olive oil, avocado, avocado, avocado, avocado, avocado, flax, chia, green leafy vegetables such as chicory, lettuce, spinach, brassica vegetables such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, solanaceous vegetables such as peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, asparagus, cucumbers, mushrooms, berries such as strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants, blueberries, bilberries, herbs, spices.
Types of fatty acids
There are four types of fatty acids:
- polyunsaturated fatty acidswhich can be found in many vegetable oils (soybean, corn, sunflower), fatty fish, oysters, fish liver, flax and sunflower seeds, and walnuts.
- monounsaturated fatty acidswhich are abundant in olive oil, rapeseed and sunflower oils, avocados and various types of nuts
- saturated fatty acids - present in significant amounts in coconut and palm oil, animal fats, butter, lard, fatty dairy products
- trans fatty acids - naturally present in small amounts in dairy products, beef, lamb, are also formed in the refining of rapeseed oil and the hardening of oils to form margarine, are present in pastries, fast food, ready meals, instant foods.

Foods with added fat or oils high in saturated or trans fatty acids tend to have a velvety texture and taste. Vegetable oils rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids are high in omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids.
Protein in the ketogenic diet
Proteins are one of the main building blocks of the body. When planning your diet, it is good to remember that the types and qualities of proteins vary. For example, animal-based proteins, rich in all the amino acids required by the body, usually offer more nutritional value than plant-based proteins. Read more about amino acids.
An adult needs about 1.1-1.3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight every day, strength trainers often support themselves protein nutrient for mass to provide an adequate amount of protein. Therefore, a woman weighing 60 kilograms should consume 70 to 80 grams of it daily. Dietary protein requirements change slightly with age and level of physical activity. Our diet should be varied and balanced with regard to protein as well.
- Cheese - is a delicious way to get your daily protein intake. Cheese with high quality proteins from milk is a valuable source of protein - for sandwiches or as a side dish.
- Egg is a better source of protein than is commonly believed - it does not affect cholesterol levels as much as fats do. In addition, the protein in eggs is efficiently absorbed, as it is in dairy products and soy.
- Fish are rich in protein. Plus, they contain a lot of healthy fats. Fish with good omega-3 fatty acids should be eaten several times a week.
- MeatThanks to its diverse protein composition, meat is one of the main sources of protein. However, when planning meals, you should pay attention to the quantity and quality of fat it contains. Recommendations say that the weekly intake of red and processed meat should not exceed 500 grams.

- Milk provides good nutritional value thanks to casein and whey, which are rich in all the amino acids required by the body. Milk is an excellent source of protein: milk protein contains all nine amino acids required by the body. In addition, it is well absorbed, so our bodies use it efficiently.
- Nuts and seeds are a good source of protein and can be used to supplement other dietary proteins. Although they are high in energy, the fats they contain are mostly healthy. An adequate daily serving is usually a few tablespoons. Mixed nuts and seeds can be added to salads or used in cooking or baking. Alternatively, they can be eaten as a snack in their natural form.
- PoultryThe chicken and turkey, which are gaining popularity as essential meals on the table, are high in protein. They also create meals that are low in fat, unless fat is added at the cooking stage.
- Soybeans, peas and beans contain all the amino acids required by the human body, in adequate amounts. Various food products, such as textured vegetable protein, are made from soy. Soy-based products are particularly well-known sources of protein among vegetarians. Peas and beans are also high in protein. Popular choices for vegetarians, they should also be preferred by carnivores because they are low in fat and high in protein.
- Whole Grains Are rich in protein. When choosing bread, prefer whole grain options. Moreover, oatmeal with milk is not only tasty but also rich in protein.
Carbohydrates in a ketogenic diet
Foods rich in carbohydrates (mainly bread, pasta, potatoes, other cereal products) are replaced by foods rich in fat or protein (e.g. meat, fish, eggs, cheese). The low-carbohydrate diet also recommends eating low-carbohydrate fruits and vegetables (e.g., lettuces, broccoli, cucumbers, spinach, raspberries, nuts).
Does the ketogenic diet burn fat?
Yes, ketogenic diet slimming down. Its negative caloric deficit and maintaining it over the long term. The ketogenic diet may (but does not have to!) meet these conditions. Entering a state of ketosis does not immediately mean a caloric deficit, but only a low carbohydrate intake. The specifics of keto (appetite suppression, narrow range of foods, high protein, no sweets) can help you enter a caloric deficit. However, it is possible to be in ketosis and gain weight or simply not lose weight. Proof can be found in children with drug-resistant epilepsy on keto, who can grow on such a diet.

When it comes to following the diet, things get a bit complicated. On the one hand, keto seems to be a diet-killer (at least for me) due to the lack of bread, pasta, any sweets, strong restriction of fruits, and even a limitation of vegetables. On the other hand, it offers the possibility of eating a lot of meat, eggs, or fatty dairy, which may be attractive to many people. An additional advantage may be the semimagical aura surrounding keto, membership in an elite group of ketonians or - paradoxically - a strict regime of such a diet. For some, it just suits them.
Read also: keto drops
Electrolytes in a ketogenic diet
Low carbohydrate intake can lower electrolyte levels subsequently affecting mood. Providing minerals to the body is just as important as providing protein or fats.
During a ketogenic diet, sodium is excreted in the urine and sweat. The symptoms of sodium deficiency are headaches, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating - classic symptoms of the ketone flu. The ketogenic diet is based on unprocessed products, which means that sodium deficiency can increase.
Sodium is found in the common salt we all know - it makes up about 40% of salt. The daily sodium intake should be about 3 grams, with this amount increasing during intense physical activity. During the first weeks of the diet, you can increase your sodium intake to as much as 5 grams per day.
The standard dietary intake of soda is about 2 grams. Increasing the supply of this mineral requires medical consultation in cases of: heart failure, hypertension and kidney disease.
As sodium is flushed away, potassium reserves are depleted. The daily requirement of this mineral is estimated to be approximately 3 - 4.5 grams per day. Potassium deficiency can manifest itself in the form of muscle cramps and irregular heartbeat.
The daily dose of magnesium should be approximately 400 mg. Magnesium deficiency is manifested by nocturnal and post-exercise muscle cramps. In addition to the intestinal route of magnesium supply, the transdermal route can be used by using olives or magnesium baths.
What should you not eat while on the ketogenic diet?
Unfortunately, like almost every diet, it requires us to make some sacrifices and eliminate products that were previously often on our plate. If you are not sure whether a given product can be eaten, check the carbohydrate content. Too much sugar will not allow you to enter the state of ketosis - and thus the whole effort will be in vain.
Sweetened drinks - from now on, water should be your best friend. For taste, you can add lemon juice, lime juice or mint.
Sugar - If you can't imagine your morning coffee without it, choose a sweetener.
Alcohol - In particular, you should give up drinks that are based on drinks with high amounts of sugar. With a ketogenic diet, you will notice an increased susceptibility to alcohol - just a few glasses of a stronger drink can affect you like a whole bottle during a traditional diet.
Bread - Unfortunately, grain bread is not an option. However, you can make your own keto bread - all you need is coconut flour, eggs, salt, baking powder and spices.
Rice and pasta - contain a high amount of carbohydrates, instead you can make fries from kohlrabi or green beans. Also for pasta you can find your keto recipe.
The ketogenic diet requires you to limit carbohydrate products, but you can easily find recipes for many treats - including ice cream or cake - that you can eat on the keto diet.
What should I consume while on a ketogenic diet?
The state of ketosis will occur when there is no sugar in the blood, it seems clear that you should eat products that are characterized by low carbohydrate content. To begin with, it is useful to make yourself a list of products allowed in the ketogenic diet.
Fish and seafood - choose especially the fatty ones - they will provide you with a large amount of protein and healthy fats (min. omega-3), frequent consumption of marine fish can increase body contamination with toxins, if you have the opportunity choose wild-caught fish.
Eggs - A product that can be prepared in many ways: boiled, sautéed, in scrambled eggs or as an omelette. Of course, if you have the opportunity, try to buy country eggs from free-range hens.
Dairy - Cheese and cottage cheese are welcome in the diet, unfortunately you should let go of milk - the sugars it contains can quickly raise your carbohydrate intake.
Oils and oils - The keto diet is characterized by high fat content, which is supplemented with olive oil, coconut oil and clarified butter. During this diet, the use of high-fat sauces or dips is highly recommended. However, try to prepare them yourself using healthy sources of fats.
Nuts and seeds - A very good source of fats and a great form of snack. Choose macadamia nuts, pecans, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pistachios, almonds and sunflower seeds.
Vegetables - A healthy diet cannot, of course, lack vegetables. The first rule in choosing keto vegetables is to choose those that grow above the ground. Green leafy vegetables are especially recommended. Cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, zucchini, avocado, olives, peppers, kale, spinach, asparagus, and lettuces should be included in your diet.

Fruits - Together with vegetables they take care of providing the body with essential vitamins and minerals. With fruit during the ketogenic diet, however, you need to be especially careful not to overdo the amount of carbohydrates. Low-carbohydrate fruits include blackberries, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.
Tea - Drink a glass of green tea every day, it contains substances that cleanse the body of toxins and help burn fat.
The ketogenic diet pretty much limits the ingredients you can use in your menu. However, this does not mean monotony or repetition of dishes - you can create a variety of meals from the available products. At first it may be difficult to switch to meals with a high fat content, but over time this way of eating becomes natural.
The main ingredient in your meals will be meat - preferably low-processed and from a reliable source. You can eat beef, pork, veal, venison or poultry.
Fish and seafood can also form the basis of many dishes. Especially fatty fish, which are a rich source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids: salmon, mackerel, eel, tuna, herring and halibut.
High-quality fats in the form of olive oil, butter or coconut oil, which is a rich source of MCT oil that leads to an increase in ketone bodies in the blood, are also an important part of the ketogenic diet.
The end of the ketogenic diet - what to do?
Ketogenic diet is very effective in losing weight, but it is not recommended to follow it for more than 6 months without medical supervision. Just as in the early stages of the ketogenic diet the body switches to deriving energy from fats, now it must revert to deriving energy from carbohydrates.
A sudden return to your previous eating habits can result in rapid weight gain - the yo-yo effect. To protect yourself against it, gradually include carbohydrates in your diet according to the following tips.
Slowly increase carbohydrates
Don't go right back to consuming high amounts of carbohydrates. Instead, you can add about 10 grams of carbohydrates to your diet each day until you reach your optimal amount. Follow general principles of healthy eating - that is, avoid sugar-rich foods: candy, sweetened beverages, dairy desserts, and confectionery.
Start by adding carbohydrate products with your peri-workout period. Then add additional portions to your other meals. Carbohydrate products should contain healthy forms of carbohydrates - preferably those that are long-absorbing: groats, brown rice, wholemeal pasta, sweet potatoes, wholemeal bread.
Fiber supports weight loss and weight maintenance after weight reduction. Fiber-rich foods remain in the gastrointestinal tract longer, resulting in a feeling of satiety. Fiber also slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, preventing rapid fluctuations in blood sugar levels, which is very important for including them in meals after a ketogenic diet.
Great sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, seeds, bran, and legumes. Also consume whole grain products like oatmeal, barley groats, and quinoa.
Water plays an important role in body temperature regulation, brain function, nutrient transport and digestion. It is assumed that we should drink at least 2 liters of water a day. However, the amount depends on physical activity and the type of work you do. The simplest rule is to drink enough water not to feel thirsty during the day.
Effectiveness of the ketogenic diet
Ketogenic diet, although associated with many benefits of its use, at the beginning can be a source of problems, especially for people who previously consumed large amounts of carbohydrates. Weaning yourself off sugars and switching to a diet based mostly on fats very often causes unpleasant side effects. These include abdominal pain, intense hunger, constant fatigue, constipation and a general decrease in mood. Although all the symptoms should disappear after a few weeks at most after starting a ketogenic diet, they can be a nuisance and make it difficult to stick to the principles of this model of nutrition.
- Provides rapid tissue reduction fat - In the state of ketosis, the body begins to use fat tissue as the main source of energy needed for its functioning. The result is an accelerated rate of weight loss and slimming of the body even in the most problematic areas, such as the waist or thighs. The ketogenic diet makes it possible to lose weight in a much shorter time than in the case of a standard reduction diet.
- Reduces appetite - When following a mainly fat-based diet, you rarely feel hungry and your appetite decreases significantly. This makes it easier to maintain smaller meal portions and maintain the caloric deficit needed to lose weight.
- Helps maintain a low body weight - The ketogenic diet protects against weight fluctuations and the yo-yo effect because it prevents the accumulation of fat. This is because the body is accustomed to using fat for energy.
- Reduces the feeling of fatigue - Being in a state of ketosis you rarely feel tired, you can notice an increase in energy, not only physical but also mental. The quality of sleep also improves.
- Improving your well-being - Giving up carbohydrates also results in improved mood, which is an important benefit for many people.
- Positive impact on health - The ketogenic diet is recommended for people struggling with various diseases, including drug-resistant epilepsy, polycystic ovarian syndrome, insulin resistance, autoimmune diseases or some cancers. It also lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels and prevents heart disease. It also regulates blood pressure.